tandem ruins
ardent minus
There’s a couple of ideas I always thought about, and eventually I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try executing them on something simple and low commitment like Netlify
The first project I wanted to tackle was creating a less cumbersome version of the BOF website specifically for during impression period. The best way I’ve been able to think of is to scrape links, and add those links to a download manager of your choice (I’m a fan of jdownloader). Afterwards, packages become available and it’s simple enough to download a complete zip, but during the event it can be a real pain trying to keep up with everything with the way the manbow website is designed.
Not that I expect this site of mine to be the pinnacle of web design, but manbow’s site can be pretty tough to deal with for anyone not used to japanese web design I’ll even consider mirroring somethings from their site, as well as automating periodic scraping so this site can stay up do date during events. I’m the type to put function over aesthetics, so plz bear with me while I figure out how to get it all working. Anywho, here’s the bof event list